Search Results
Veena Dubal, Surveillance Is Not a Social Good: Technocapital, Public Health, and the Pandemic
Shareconomy (movie excerpt) Veena Dubal: Social Safety Nets
Would UBI Help Gig Economy Workers? Veena Dubal responds
Veena Dubal of ALC Invites You to "Securing Our Rights" Convening
Veena Dubal - Who are "Gig Workers"?
Juliet B. Schor with Veena Dubal
Is Uber Moral? The Ethical Crisis of the Gig Economy with Veena Dubal
Steps from the Frontlines: Medical Student Perspectives During COVID-19 (The Ethics of COVID)
Racial Inequality During a Pandemic: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives (The Ethics of COVID)
Benjamin P. Davis, Internationalism under Lockdown: The Vocabulary of the Present (Ethics of COVID)
Matthew Smith, Reproducing Freedom (The Ethics of COVID)
The Economic Roots of the Extraction Imperative: Why Google's Desire for your Data Is Insatiable